Keyboard liberation for doctors

Hippocraticum is an advanced AI assistant that liberates clinicians from the burden of documentation.

2 hours saved per day per doctor
20% improvement in accuracy over GPT4
Runs locally, no data is shared with third parties

Hippocraticum AI simplifies clinical documentation, allowing doctors to focus on what truly matters

Clinical notes
Customizable templates
Medical coding
EHR integration
Proprietary LLMs
HIPAA and GDPR compliant

What clinicians are saying

Pioneering Generative AI for Healthcare

Our proprietary, fully auditable AI technology is designed from the ground up for trust, safety, and effectiveness.
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Responsible AI Development
Purpose-built for Healthcare
In-house Model Fine Tuning

Hippocraticum impact calculator

Calculate how Hippocraticum can benefit your healthcare system
How many physicians do you have?
Total hours saved per year across physicians
Annual cost of physician turnover and reduced hours
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of physicians report they experience burnout
2 hours
spent on paperwork for every 1 hour of direct care
is the average annual cost of physician turnover
cite clerical burden as the leading cause of burnout

A secure partner
you can trust

Hippocraticum is the only AI assistant that can be fully operated locally, utilizing customers' and partners' own infrastructure.

Our proprietary models are built in-house, ensuring no data is shared with third parties across the ocean.

We are HIPAA and GDPR compliant
We don't train models on your data
We don't share data with third parties
We do not store any audio
We run applications locally
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